Enrolment Form for courses at The Design School

Fill out
the form
below and
enrol today!


The purpose of this enrolment form is to get from you the information we need to enrol you into a programme at The Design School.

We also need to collect information from you which is required by the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education Commission and other Government agencies for statistical, registration and monitoring reasons. Please complete all sections of the form.


Entry Requirements

As part of the first enrolment at The Design School, all applicants must supply;

  • A brief essay (about 300 words) including why you would benefit from the course and a brief outline of your career plan.

  • Either a Birth Certificate or Passport. Copies must be verified or originals sited by a staff member. Copies can be made at The Design School.

  • A portfolio of creative work. 

  • Attend an interview.

These items can be attached to this application as PDF, JPG or Document formats, or they can be brought in at the interview.

Future enrolments do not require these items.

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  • Personal Details

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